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rights to information中文是什么意思

用"rights to information"造句"rights to information"怎么读"rights to information" in a sentence


  • 对信息的认股权


  • Execution of right to information and right to privacy in medical treatment
  • Whether it will expedite the implementation of a genetically - modified food labelling system , so as to protect consumers right to information
  • We have been working side by side with the news media in the release of information over the years , safeguarding the interests of the public and their right to information
  • It thinks that laws should be established throughout the country to rule the regimen about information explosion duty of network businessmen and right to terminate the contract and right to reject goods according to right to information can be better protected in this way to connect with the correlative laws of international consumers " right on protection
  • Because of the special nature of banking card transaction , the specific rights of the consumers are different from the average consumers , including the right to privacy , the right to information , consumer credit rights , the right to equal access to credit , the right to revoke contracts as well as the rights to defence in addition to the general rights
用"rights to information"造句  
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